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Coping with Obscurity: The Brown Workshop on Earlier Egyptian Grammar

Edited by James P. Allen, Mark A. Collier, and Andréas Stauder



Coping with Obscurity publishes the papers discussed at the Brown University Workshop on Earlier Egyptian grammar in March, 2013. The workshop united ten scholars of differing viewpoints dealing with the central question of how to judge and interpret the grammatical value of the written evidence preserved in texts of the Old and Middle Kingdoms (ca. 2350–1650 BC). The nine papers in the volume present orthographic, lexical, morphological, and syntactic approaches to the data and represent a significant step toward a new, pluralistic understanding of earlier Egyptian grammar.

Coping with Obscurity: The Brown Workshop on Earlier Egyptian Grammar

  • More info

    Wilbour Studies in Egyptology and Assyriology vol. 3

    274 pages

    8.5 x 11 inches

    ISBN 978-1-937040-42-0 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-1-937040-43-7 (PDF)

    January 2016

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    PDFs of individual chapters available here

  • Table of Contents


    Workshop Participants


    1. Grenzen und Chancen bei der Erschließung des älteren Ägyptisch Wolfgang Schenkel

    2. Hypotheses on Glides and Matres Lectionis in Earlier Egyptian Orthographies Daniel A. Werning

    3. Marked and Unmarked Word Orders, Verbal Inflection, and the Cartography of Early Egyptian Sentence Structures Chris A. Reintges

    4. To See an Invisible Form: Paradigms, Parallels, and Practices Once Again Sami Uljas

    5. The Syntax-Semantics Interface in Earlier Egyptian: A Case Study in Verbs of Cognition Jean Winand

    6. Earlier Egyptian Prepositions: Between Grammar and Lexicography Julie Stauder-Porchet

    7. Alternatives and the Grammar of Earlier Egyptian: Negation with Low-end Indefinites and Negation with n … js Mark A. Collier

    8. The Earlier Egyptian “Emphatic” Construction: An Alternative Analysis Andréas Stauder

    9. Restricted Circulation in Old Egyptian as Mirrored in Later “Repristination von Tradition” and Revivals: The Dependent Pronoun kw; the nfr-n Negation; the n wnt sḏm=f Negative Construction Pascal Vernus


    Bibliography and Text Sources

    Index of Texts Cited

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