The purpose of the Canadian Society for Coptic Studies is to bring together individuals interested in Coptic studies and to promote the dissemination of scholarly information on Coptic Studies through the organization of meetings and conferences and through the preparation of scholarly works for publication. The CSCS was incorporated as a nonprofit organization in June 2009.

Journal of the Canadian Society 
for Coptic Studies ♰♰♰ Journal de la société canadienne 
pour les études coptes


















Go to JCSCS online


Vol. 9, 2017

Table of Contents

Published annually in March

Format: 8.5 x 11

ISSN: 2161-878X

eISSN: 2165-0756

Frequency: once per year in March

Languages: English, French

Indexing Services:

Religious & Theological Abstracts

ATLA Religion Database



Tenth Annual Coptic Studies Symposium

Saint Shenoute the Archimandrite and the Extraordinary Scope of His Writings, Saturday, April 1, 2017, University of Toronto.


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General Editor: Ramez Boutros

Editors: Jitse Dijkstra,  Helene Moussa, Anne Moore

International Advisory Board:

Dominique Bénazeth

Anne Boud’Hors

Ariel Shisha-Halevy

Youhanna Nessim

Louis Painchaud

Paul Sedra

Mark Swanson

Hany Takla

Jacques van der Vliet

Gertrud van Loon



The University of Toronto

Department of Near and Middle

    Eastern Civilizations

4 Bancroft Avenue

Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1C1

Email: cscs@utoronto.ca



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Print only or Online only: $50

($25 to members; outside North America, add $18 shipping surface mail; Canada/Mexico add $9)


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Volume 1 of JCSCS is available from Gorgias Press.



Visit the CSCS website

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