We provide customized quotations for every estimate requested. Our  rates for finished pages depend on many factors:

  • Does the job involve typesetting only or typesetting and copy editing?
  • Does the manuscript require data entry, or is it in electronic form?
  • Is the manuscript or electronic file clean, or is editing required?
  • Trim size and other specifications (type size, line length, etc.)
  • Is your content and layout simple or complex? (foreign language or diacritics, footnotes, tables, columns, etc.)
  • Do you have illustrations?  If so, how many?


In order to provide a customized quotation for your job, please provide:

  • Trim size
  • Word count of your manuscript
  • Program used to generate your manuscript
  • Illustrations (yes/no; number if possible)
  • Design specifications (if established)
  • Other requirements: editing; indexing; cover design
  • Time parameters expected


With this information, we can provide a preliminary custom quotation. To finalize the quote, we will need a sample of your manuscript.


Sample range of page rates:


Editorial only: $25 – $65 per manuscript page.


Design only:

6 x 9:   $5.00 – $20.00

7 x 10: $7.50 – $30.00

8.5 x 11: $12.00 – $45.00


Editorial and design:

6 x 9:   $10.00 – $30.00

7 x 10: $20.00 – $50.00

8.5 x 11: $35.00 – $75.00


Requests for quotation and other inquiries about editorial and prepress services should be directed to admin@lockwoodpress.com.

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