Lockwood Press invites proposals for manuscripts on the languages, archaeology, history, religions, and cultures of the Near Eastern and eastern Mediterranean worlds from earliest antiquity through the Middle Ages. In addition to monographs, the press will consider essay collections, Festschriften, and revised dissertations. If you are interested in contributing to one of our journals, please navigate to the journals page. If you would like to propose a new journal or inquire about transferring a journal to Lockwood Press, please email admin@lockwoodpress.com.


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Series editors should consult the “advice for series editors” page, also available as a pdf.

Guidelines for submission for authors

Advice for Volume Editors (essay collections, Festschriften, etc.)

Guidelines for the preparation of illustrations and tables

Preparing the Indices

Copyright, “Fair Use,” and Permissions guidelines

Sample Permissions Letter

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Free Copies

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Marketing Your Book

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instructions for editors and authors

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